Creative Image Slider
Creative Image Slider is a responsive jQuery image slider with amazing visual effects. It uses horizontal scrolling to make the slider more creative and attractive.
It is packed with a live-preview wizard to create fantastic sliders in a matter of seconds without coding.
sites are already using Creative Image Slider!
Multiple Sliders
Links Enabled
Buttons Enabled
Buttons In Text
Infinite Scrolling
Creative Touch
Fire Animation

General Usage
Creative Image Slider is fully responsive slider with big list of configurable options. It has Live-Preview wizard, so you can see real time live preview of your slider during all the modifications. That will help you to make all required customizations, to fit the slider to any kind of design.
You can use the shortcode to insert it anywhere in content. The shortcode looks like this - [creativeimageslider id="ID"].
Creative Image Slider can be used for creating:
Image Sliders
Product Lists
Featured Products
Screenshots Sliders
If you have any kind of issue or bug with Creative Image Slider, do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Write a Review Please
If you like the job we do, PLEASE write a 5-star review in JED.
That will take only 5 minutes, but it is extremely important for us. Thanks in advance.
Other Creative Extensions
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It is packed with a Template Creator wizard to create fantastic contact forms in a matter of seconds without coding.
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Text To Speech for Joomla!
How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any text from your site! We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
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It is packed with a Template Creator Wizard with Live Preview, to create beautiful and creative galleries without coding!
Over 3,200+ sites are already using Creative Gallery!
Creative Social Widget presents social icons in very creative and original way! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!
It is packed with a Live-Preview wizard to integrate social icons into any kind of design without css knowledge!
Over 6,600+ sites are already using Creative Social Widget!